Spring is ideal for planting saplings as it leaves the entire growing season for the tree to establish new roots before the winter dormancy and frost.
Mid to late winter is ideal for pruning as dormancy slows the tree's metabolism, reducing the likelihood of spreading disease or pests. In deciduous trees, the lack of leaves allows for easier viewing of the tree's structure as well as easier cleanup.
We are not Certified Utility Arborists and therefore do not work in close proximity to high voltage power lines, but we are able to work around residential service lines. We respect minimum approach distances to high voltage lines and refer all utility work to the appropriate utility service providers.
While we occasionally work with contractors and subcontractors in order to provide expanded services, we typically operate without the use of heavy equipment such as bucket trucks and cranes. This means that unfortunately, we are sometimes limited in what we can do for our customers in regard to hazard tree removal and storm cleanup. Additionally, we do not currently provide stump grinding services. If you have any further questions, please contact us!